Make Money Work For you
I'm an anonymous option trader from Maui. I've been trading for about 18yrs.  

On July 24, 2000, I made thousands of dollars exposing a fraudulent stock (AVAX Technoloy) on CNBC's Power Lunch. The CEO, Jeffrey Jonas was interviewed and I emailed in some questions. He couldn't answer any of them. The stock immediately sold off. I was short several thousand shares and the stock lost half of it's value in about 3 hours. Today, the stock is delisted.

In 2014 I stumbled upon the "Karen the Supertrader" video and it was my first introduction to Tastytrade and the concept of selling premium. This was far less stressful than selling futures and I saw results that were smaller but more consistent than any type of trading that I had done before.

My current trading style is to remain delta neutral and collect .2%-.6% of my account size in theta per day and to grow 1% per week.

My long term goal is to consistently make 15-30% returns per year. This goal is getting more and more tangible everyday.

"Everyone works For Money, Few Make Money Work For Them."
- Jon A. - 
Chapter 1: Making Money
Making Money- Trading Hours For Dollars
The goal in this phase is to make the most dollars per hour. You work for money. Money doesn't work for you. Money is your boss and you are it's slave. Most go to school all their lives to work a job and to trade the hours of their lives for dollars. Most people stop here. No matter how much they make, it's not a great way to live. When you work a job, you work 40hrs a week for 40yrs of your life, swapping hours for dollars, waiting for the weekend. This leads to spending the best hours of the day, for the best years of your life, spending time with people you don't love, to buy things you don't need to impress people who don't care. The whole goal of the job should not be the finish line, but the starting point. A job should just be a way to make a little money to move on to the second step.
Chapter 2: Managing Money
Managing Money- Trading Dollars for Margin
The goal in this phase is to get out of debt and to have margin to save. In the "Making Money" phase, money is your boss and you are the slave. The "Managing Money" phase puts you in a position to tell money where to go instead of vice versa. In this phase, you are no longer the slave, but in a wrestling match for power and control. If this skill is not learned then a person will fall into debt and debt is a harsh taskmaster.

Student loans, credit cards, car loans and a mortgage can kill the lifestyle of anyone. Managing money includes, budgeting, developing a rainy day fund, saving 10%, giving 10% which gives you margin to work on the next step. Dave Ramsey goes into depth into these principles to have "Financial Peace".  
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